Streamline documents filing - Ensure compliance and security.

Streamline documents filing - Ensure compliance and security.

Highly automated document digitisation for workflow document processing requirements including Image Enhancement, File Conversion, OCR, Data Capture and Document Routing.

EzeScan aligns business processes, and satisfies governance and compliance requirements. This comprehensive solution optimises document handling, reduces manual effort and enhances the overall efficiency in the document workflow process.


Accessibility Icon


Easy document digitisation means employees don’t have to be tied to one location to access important information. This helps organisations stay agile and competitive in times of change.

Efficiency Icon


Employees get tied down in data entry, copying, and filing. Albeit important, these processes take up valuable time. EzeScan streamlines these mundane tasks helping businesses boost productivity.

Cost-effectiveness Icon


Streamlining document management allows employees to focus on core tasks, saving both time and money. Effective document digitisation also significantly saves space and keeps costs down.

Flexibility Icon


EzeScan offers a comprehensive cloud solution, in addition to their traditional on-premise deployment. Businesses can now choose the deployment best suited for their organization's needs.

EzeScan Compressor

EzeScan Compressor has been designed with PaperCut MF in mind. The solution builds on MF’s embedded scanning and offers a seamless integration which significantly lowers the size of scans.

It compresses the document on the fly and routes it to a nominated folder. Enabling OCR allows users to share information easily. Scans can also be uploaded to third party systems directly using the Cilantro connector.


EzeScan + PaperCut

EzeScan Document Scanning 2

Explore EzeScan's features detailed in the brochure.

Watch EzeScan in action on YouTube.

EzeScan Compressor has been designed with PaperCut MF in mind.

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